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Sorry -- I have been behind in updating!

>> Sunday, May 27, 2007

If you have sent an email to me in the last few days, I apologize that I haven't gotten to it yet. With the end of the school year just about here, things have gone a little crazy. Please be patient if I am not able to get back to you right away -- I promise I will get back to you!



Art Pieces Sent Out!

>> Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just a note that all of the art pieces were sent out earlier this week to the drawing winners!

I hope that you will enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them!


Sending out emails soon...

I am going to be sending out emails soon to all those that I currently have in folders that I am either waiting to hear from that they installed the coding or waiting to hear from on their icon preferrence (for above the blog roll). Between the two folders, I have 40+ bloggers that I am waiting to hear from, and so I will be sending out a friendly reminder. ;)

Granted, some of those in the folders have only just contacted me in the last few days, but I do have some sign ups from a month ago. So, I'm not as worried about all of you that I have heard from in the last few days, but I just want to do my best to clean up my folders a little bit.

Thanks to everyone for supporting the Catholic Mothers Online blog roll! I am shocked and happy to report that we are currently at 97 blogs on the blog roll. Wow! I certainly didn't expect THAT a month ago!


CMO Drawing Winners!

>> Thursday, May 10, 2007

Well...a little late, but here are the winners of the drawing for the Catholic Mothers Online joining "incentive." The following two bloggers have been contacted to choose the Hail Mary digital art print (the photographs and art were done by me, in case anyone was wondering) that most suits them:

Susan @ A Happy Heart

Esther @ A Catholic Mom in Hawaii

Congrats to Susan & Esther! other person was contacted as well, since she was the VERY FIRST person to join CMO (besides me! LOL). So, also choosing a Hail Mary digital art print will be...

Aldara @ Catholic Mommyhood


Can someone pick two numbers for me?

>> Thursday, May 3, 2007

I need two numbers that are between 1 and 113. You don't win anything if you are the one doing the picking of the numbers -- just the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping me choose the winners for the drawing.


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