Hi to everyone!
I'm so pleased to say that our wonderful community has just grown by leaps and bounds. I can hardly believe that it was just before Easter when I was starting it up and afraid that nobody would join, and here we are -- at almost 200! Wow!
Some recent emails/comments to the blog bring me to just a bit of administative notes today. Please, please, please -- I don't want anyone to feel "called out" if you have emailed me about any of these things. If you have, you are not the only one. And, that's why I wanted to take some time to post here so that people interested in the blog roll can see it here before they have to wonder about the same things.
Like all of you, I am a very busy Mom. I have three wonderful (and busy!) kids, an awesome husband, an online business, a couple of blogs (LOL), a rewarding job with special needs kids/kids with delays a few hours per week, and a million other things going on each day. We all know the drill, right? You're in the trenches of motherhood with me!
I am thrilled to also be able to be the administrator of both this blog roll and another scrolling link list (for a group of moms on Etsy). Because I could allow myself to be making additions/changes many times a day on those two lists (due to requests coming in to join, blog name changes, link changes, etc), I have to limit the time in which I will make those changes and additions. And, so please do not be surprised if you email me about (or sign up for) the blog roll, and I don't get back to you for a few days. I update the roll at least every 3 - 4 days. There are times when I do it more often, but that is a typical time frame.
So...if you want to skim, here is the important part...
1. If you sign up and don't hear from me right away, please be patient. There is no need to sign up again, unless one full week has passed without hearing from me. Typically, within 3 - 4 days, you will receive an email from me with instructions and coding.
2. If you would like to be added to the blog roll, you *must* send me an email after you have installed the coding to your blog. I will not check back on your blog until I hear from you, and it's only after I check back on it that I add you in. I have had a few instances where people wonder why they weren't added after the "signed up," and I find this is often what has happened -- they installed the code, but didn't notice in the instructions that they had to email me back. (I understand -- I'm sometimes bad about overlooking details in text too.)
3. Once I get that email back from someone, I will check back on their blog and then add them during my next update. That can mean that if they email me back right away after I sent them their coding, it might be three or four days until I update it again. When I do updates and add people to the blog roll, I email them to let them know that they are about to be added. However -- if you email me and then don't hear back from me or get added to the blog roll within seven days, please email me to be sure I got your email.
I hope this doesn't turn anyone away! I just realized that there were some areas that might not be so clear, and so I wanted to take a few minutes to clear them up!
Thanks so much for supporting our blog roll! It is just wonderful to be blessed by getting to meet and interact with so many Catholic mothers!