New Blog Roll Members: December 21, 2009
>> Monday, December 21, 2009
Welcome to our newest blog roll members!
The Magnolia Cul-de-Sac
Laborare Est Orare
Lest I Forget
I hope that all of our members have a very Merry Christmas!
Catholic Media Group
>> Thursday, December 10, 2009
I have recently heard about Catholic Media Group, and thought I would pass the information along, since many of our readers are bloggers, and some businesses.
Here is what Mark (the founder of Catholic Media Group) has to say about Catholic Media Group
Our ad network is similar to how other ad networks work, but with some differences in the sense that we're really trying to make this a *Catholic* ad network -- and not just in the sense that Catholics our niche market.
We want to focus on giving a voice to groups with a mission of evangelizing the teachings of the Catholic Church and focus on sharing our earnings with faithful Catholic groups (we consider it a Catholic kind of profit sharing!).
For publishers like yourself we will be featuring the following:
- 50% earnings -- you get 50% of what advertisers are paying for the ads that appear on your website. The remaining 50% that we take in goes to cover our costs such as servers, network bandwidth, recruiting new advertisers, and most importantly, charity. At least 10% of our profits will be given away to faithful Catholic groups. So if an advertiser pays $2 for an ad and it runs on your website, you get $1 in earnings. That's more competitive than many ad networks out there. We want to make this worth it for our website publishers. Our goal is not to maximize our own revenue (which is every other ad network's mission), but instead to create a Catholic alternative to traditional online advertising networks. And being Catholic means creating a community that is fair to all involved.
- Payments to website publishers made monthly via PayPal (we're considering other payment options, but to start with will be PayPal only)
- Minimum of 10% of our profits donated to faithful Catholic groups. Your running of ads on your website using our ad network contributes to charitable giving to Catholic groups! How great is that?!
- We take the hassle away from you for finding advertisers that appeal to your audience (faithful Catholics). That's our niche!
- Website publishers who join early on will get a free ad to go into rotation on our ad network.
- Multiple ad varieties. You can choose what size ad to display and where it gets placed on your own site. It's as easy as copying and pasting a snippet of HTML for each type of ad you want placed on your website.
- No commitment. Stop running ads at any time.
- Advertisers and each ad go through a review process to ensure the advertiser and the ad/product/service being advertised are morally and ethically acceptable from the perspective of teachings of the Catholic Church. Our website publishers need not be concerned that ads they are displaying could be questionable. If there is any doubt, we choose not to run the ad or at the first sign something is morally or ethically unacceptable we immediately stop running an ad. This is an area we consider a competitive advantage over other online advertising networks.
- Each website that wants to run ads goes through a review process to ensure it appeals to our core audience of faithful Catholics. Our publishing network is very important to us to keep focused on our intended audience of faithful Catholics.
- Our initial launch will allow your web site to display a random selection of ads from our ad inventory.
- After the initial launch we are also planning on adding email newsletter advertising options and allowing advertisers to buy dedicated ad spaces on specific web sites.
Hopefully this sounds like something you might be interested in. Feel free to reply to me directly at with any questions as they come up.
I'll continue to post updates to our blog -- so keep an eye on that.
Have a blessed Advent season,