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New Blog Roll Members: June 26, 2010

>> Friday, June 25, 2010

I apologize for my long delay in getting this latest update done.  So, enjoy lots of new blogs, and make sure to stop by and visit at least a couple of them.

God is Love

Never Fading Wood

Sweet Pea and Lulu: The Domestic Monastery

The McIntee Family


Angels Muse


Natural and Relaxed Home Learning

From the Heart

The Happy Mother

Reasons for Chocolate

Free Spirit Haven

Lear, Kent, Fool

Zealous Musings

Simple Catholic Living

3 Turkeys

Catholic Mom in the Country

Keeping the Lamps Burning

Welcome to all of our newest friends!


Limited Internet Access for a Few Days

>> Monday, June 21, 2010

I'll be back to working on updating the blog roll in just a few days, as well as going through all of the writer applications (I got quite a lot - thanks so much!).  My Internet access is very spotty for a few days, and it looks like it will be for the next few days as well.

Thanks so much!



Thank You to Our Wonderful Sponsors

>> Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful sponsors here at Catholic Mothers Online!

Six Suitcase TravelCatholic Child CatalogSuburban Tree HuggerMaking Music Praying TwiceCatholic Gadget - Catholic Family ToolbarUse Code MLB55 for $55 Off the Cost of One YearAre you Meal Planning Yet?

As well as our additional sponsors:

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If you are interested in advertising on Catholic Mothers Online, please read about our advertising options.


Seeking Applications for Staff Writers

>> Saturday, June 5, 2010

photo by tomswift46
In the past, I have published guest posts here at Catholic Mothers Online.  I want to continue to feature guest posts from time to time, but I also decided that I would love to have 4 - 8 writers that regularly contribute original posts (not previously published on their own blogs) for Catholic Mothers Online.  This would involve writing approximately once a month, unless I find closer to the eight writer mark, then it will likely be just once every other month.

What does writing for Catholic Mothers Online consist of?
  • One required article/post submission per month (you may send in more, but you must meet that requirement)
  • Posts are 250 – 1000 words in length (though if it makes sense to do less than 250, that is fine, and we really strive to keep under to 1000 word mark, unless it warrants being longer)
  • Posts need to be well written grammatically and well formatted
  • Topic ideas are pretty open (and you’ll mostly come up with them on your own) - anything that might be of interest to Catholic Mothers.  Topic ideas: faith formation, motherhood, crafts, reflections, recipes (with an eye toward a religious focus -- perhaps to correlate with feast days), household management, homeschooling, reviews of Catholic products or businesses, etc.
  • You will have a byline (that you write) at that bottom of each post, as well as a bio on an author page, a 125×125 button on the sidebar, and your link in the "Links" section of the Catholic Gadget that is for CMO writers
If you are interested in writing, drop me (Angie) an email with “writer application” in the subject line. 

Please include:
  • your name (first only is fine)
  • blog URL
  • a little bit about yourself
  • any writing ideas you have
  • links to two or three posts that you are particularly proud of.
Thank you!


New Blog Roll Members: June 2, 2010

>> Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome to our newest blog roll members:

Feeding Souls

Philosophy in a Teacup

Imitation of Mary

My Biggest Fan 

Team Whitaker

the o'doyles

Fiat Voluntas Tua

Rambling Thoughts



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