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I Would Love to Have Your Help!

>> Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Catholic Mothers Online community has meant so much to me over the past three years that I have been running it.  It's so amazing to me how it has grown from the night that I argued with God over the call to start it. 

Yes, I really did argue with God.  Not only did I have no idea how to start a blog roll, but I was afraid nobody would join.  He didn't let up though, and look at us now -- almost 600 wonderful Catholic blogs represented in our blog roll. 

I am trying to make my way to two different upcoming blog conferences without having to burden my family too much with the expenses.  There are a variety of ways that you can help me with this (or even just send some good wishes or prayers), please pop over to Many Little Blessings and read about the various opportunities.

Thanks so much for the way that you have helped us to grow!


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