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The Official Stand on MySpace Blogs

>> Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I have personally contacted just a couple of people who have requested to join the blog roll who use a MySpace blog, but wanted to record it here on the CMO blog as well. I had to make the decision that I would not include blogs that are on MySpace on the CMO blogroll at this time.

I had two main reasons for that --

1. It appears to me (a non-MySpace person, mind you) to be a little confusing about adding the coding to MySpace. At least I know that I have been asked about how to do it by people with MySpace, and I don't know how. So, that has made me assume that it would be difficult to add it in the same way that you can add it to blog servers such as TypePad, Blogger, etc.

2. Because the comments feature is featured so prominently on MySpace pages, and it can often (not always -- but I have seen it plenty) lead to things that might not be family friendly, it makes me concerned.

Now...mind you, I do want to note that I have generally not censored the blog roll. There are, indeed, blogs on the roll that may not be as family friendly as others.

I apologize to anyone who wants to join and is not able to because of this previously unposted guideline. Much of my feelings about it may be because of my lack of familiarity with MySpace. But, as the person who has to put so much time and effort into the CMO Blogroll, then that means I'm also the one who gets to make that call.

Again -- sorry to anyone who it may effect. Really though...of all the applications I have received, I have only had two or three requested from MySpace, so this does represent a very small percentage.

Thanks for all your support & for making this blog roll so successful!


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